School Uniform

School Uniform

The school colours are light blue and navy blue.

Boys may wear navy or grey trousers and girls navy or grey pinafores, skirts or trousers.   Light blue or white shirts/ polo shirts may be worn. Children wear a school sweatshirt, or a dark blue jumper/cardigan.


The school has customised sweatshirts, polo shirts, jogging bottoms and waterproof jackets available to order. A price list for these items is available at the school office. These can be ordered at any time throughout the session and take between 2-3 weeks to arrive at school.


Children develop strong feelings of community when there is a common dress code and this contributes to a positive school ethos.  The wearing of uniform helps avoid discrimination and reduces peer pressure to wear expensive designer clothing.   For this reason, it is expected all pupils throughout the school will wear school uniform. The school seeks the support of parents and carers to promote this policy.  Clothes with logos or football colours are not permitted.


Primary 7 pupils wear an alternative hooded top, or ‘zoodie,’ that is a different colour than that of the other classes. This distinguishes them apart from the other pupils.


The appropriate clothing and footwear for PE is a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes with non-marking soles.  These are necessary for health and safety reasons and your co-operation is appreciated in ensuring that our children are dressed properly for PE lessons.


Children should also have their gym shoes to change into when they come in from outdoors.  This helps to keep the school clean and dirt free and ensures a nicer environment for all.


Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled, particularly ties, sweatshirts and PE equipment which can often go missing.


If you have any queries regarding the school’s dress code, please contact the school office.